About Us

In February 2023, a dedicated group of Henry Countians came together to establish a new community service organization. The club gained our charter after months of hard work, along with the assistance of the Ky-Tn Kiwanis District and our sponsor chapter, the Kiwanis Club of Frankfort.
Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of our community's kids in need. We offer support to the school's resource centers and work with other community organizations to offer support in any way possible.
Community Impact
In just the few short months of our existence, the Kiwanis Club of Henry County has accomplished more than we ever thought possible:
Conducted a shoe drive to collect over 230 new pairs of shoes for the school Resource Center to distribute to kids in need
Purchased 220 hygiene kits for families and teens in need at the annual "Hearts of Grace" back to school event.
Held the first annual "Kicks for Kids" gala in June of 2023
30 Thanksgiving meals donated to families in need
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Provided a free pancake breakfast to the community at the Henry County Library's Big Winter Blowout.
Hosted the annual Lisa's Closet toy and clothing giveaway
Participated in several community events, including Henry Co. Love Local Fall Festival, Trail or Treat, and more!